Defense Information School

The Defense Information School (DINFOS) is a military school located in Fort Meade, Maryland. Becoming a U.S. Soldier isn’t just passing Basic Combat Training but also going through Advanced Individual Training (A.I.T.). AIT is focused on the specific military occupation (or M.O.S.) that a military service member enlists in. My MOS is a 46s which Public Affairs and Mass Communication. It’s a military job that deals with telling the Army’s story to the public.

My time at DINFOS was 6 months long and in this school I made videos, I did photography, and also marketing images (or graphic designs) that where all related to military and community based subjects.

Softwares: Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Indesign

Frederick Police Department

I and 3 other service-members had the privilege to record and interview the Frederick Police Department. Frederick is a small town located in Maryland and they look up to their law enforcement. We wanted to share to the state of Maryland as to how their communities are being taken cared of and how much their own police care a lot about their town.

Frederick Fire Department

This a fun experience to know about the Fire Fighters of Frederick, Maryland.


Plus One Optum


Slow Cheetah Book Launch