
IN-LINE app is designed to help better the experience of Manhattan's vibrant venues by providing real-time insights into line lengths and wait times. With In-Line, users can better plan their outings, whether it’s to eat, visiting popular attractions, shopping, or even government issued licenses.

In Line is to make the city convenient to users, helping them make decisions about when and where to visit, helping them avoid long queues and optimize their time in the city. This is to solve the wasted hours standing in line, or having to suddenly change plans.

Production Process

Data Collection


Data Analysis



Wire Framing



Heuristic Evaluation



Usability Testing



Data Collection


I conducted this survey to get a clear picture of just how big of a problem long lines are at venues in New York City and to understand their impact on people's plans. By asking if they've ever arrived somewhere in NYC only to find a long line, I wanted to see how common this issue is and how it affects everyone. It's crucial to gather this information because long lines can ruin plans, causing frustration and disappointment. Understanding the extent of this problem through the survey helps highlight its significance and the need for better crowd management strategies to improve everyone's experience in the city.

The survey revealed that many of the survey participants encounter long lines during their visits, leading to frustrations and stress such as wasted time, missed opportunities, and canceling plans. Regardless of these challenges, most respondents see long lines as something that is unavoidable to the NYC experience. Many who go to Manhattan have adopted strategies to deal with the stress, such as accepting the situation or avoiding venues with long lines altogether.

Interestingly, about 87% of the respondents expressed a strong desire to know in advance if the lines at the venues they plan to visit are long. This indicates a clear preference for being informed ahead of time, which could help them make better plans and avoid the frustration of unexpected waits.

By having access to this information, people could potentially save time and have a more enjoyable experience in the city. This finding underscores the importance of providing real-time updates on queue lengths, which could significantly enhance the overall convenience and satisfaction for both residents and tourists in New York City.

Data Analysis

I have conducted several interviews in person and online; after reading the transcripts and constructing this affinity diagram, I saw several key insights. The affinity highlighted common frustrations with long lines, such as wasted time, missed opportunities, and physical discomfort.

Additionally, it showed the impact of long lines on any planned activities, including disrupted plans and the need to balance time for plans with waiting in line for a current plan.

The affinity diagram additionally emphasized the importance of social dynamics and cultural significance in understanding waiting experiences, especially for people who are visiting NYC for the first time or go to areas that are very cultural such as ChinaTown, all of which shows that traditions play a role in perceiving long lines.

Finally, the diagram suggested potential solutions to address these challenges, such as providing information about line lengths in advance through mobile apps or other means.


Story Board

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sounds like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest.


Project Two